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Irbis Thatching Service –

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  3. Irbis Thatching Service –
Build a beautiful house with a thatched roof.
Create beautiful roofs with thatch.
How long does a thatched roof last?
Find a thatcher in Europe. ThatchFinder. Thatch Directory.
Thatch and Thatching.
The Lion King of Thatching.
Build a beautiful house with a thatched roof.Create beautiful roofs with thatch.How long does a thatched roof last?Find a thatcher in Europe. ThatchFinder. Thatch Directory.Thatch and Thatching.The Lion King of Thatching.

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ul. ks. Bochenka nr 33
Introduction: Thatching. Complete re-thatching or repair work. Our company is offering roofings that are made from reed- the raw material coming just from nature.
Phone: +48 501517490

Irbis Thatching Service

Our company is realizing thatches for most requiring clients with prosperity, assuring unique quality and aesthetics. The experience that we got during realization of our works in many European countries, lets us to bring a professional service in all the fields of the technologies of thatching!
We are realizing among others:
- the certified fire protections in Polfibra system (glass-membrane saving the wooden construction including laths from fire)
- hydrodynamic impregnation of the thatch protecting from fire (with FireRetardant-Magma FireStop)
- thatched roofs in closed and opened system with fire protection systems of different companies.

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